When a mentoring relationship works, it can be a powerful experience for both the mentee and mentor. Mentoring can provide a safe environment for learning, knowledge sharing, and exploring challenges. Mentorship is neither training nor coaching but incorporates elements of both. The knowledge sharing through the mentoring relationship can build confidence, understanding, and resiliency that will help newcomers to Alberta navigate the job search and our workplace culture.

A good mentoring program benefits partner organizations, mentors, and mentees. A successful mentorship program will:

  • Educate: Mentees will get advice about the Canadian workplace and learn how to navigate the job search. Mentors will gain leadership skills and learn how to develop skills in other people.
  • Prevent Mistakes: When participants have a safe place to learn, they ask the questions they need to ask and have support when facing challenges. This can prevent errors or misunderstandings.
  • Build confidence: When participants have a safe place to learn and feel supported, they can build professional and leadership skills that will make them feel more confident in their job search or workplace.
  • Build Loyalty: When people participate in mentorship programs, they often feel valued and more likely to be committed to organizations and relationships related to that experience.
  • Create Leaders: Being either a mentor or a mentee builds communication skills and provides time for self-reflection and growth. This professional development creates strong candidates that your company can recruit or advance to leadership positions.
  • Build Community: Mentoring relationships connect people to a larger community through networking one-on-one, referrals, and events.

While mentorship programs bring many benefits, it can be challenging to build the right program for your organization. This site will present a basic path for you to plan and explore options for your mentorship program. There is no single “right” size, style, or outcome for your program. Use this site to reflect on what your organization and mentoring participants need right now, whether it is a new program or making changes to an existing program.

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