To be sustainable, your mentorship program needs to be evaluated to make sure that it is meeting your goals and the needs of your participants. Ideally, you will do evaluations during and after the program, even if it is a simple participant midpoint and exit survey.
Trying to decide what to evaluate can be overwhelming. If you set up program goals during the assessment stage, you can use them to set your evaluation points. Match your survey questions to your goals. Then you can be confident that you are meeting your goals or understanding what needs attention.
Your evaluations can grow in depth and complexity over time or based on the size of your program. Set up your evaluation to measure any one or combination of these program elements:
Although it can feel like a failure, negative feedback is actually a reflection of room for improvement. It is always better to try something, evaluate success, and strive for continuous improvement.
Want to know more? Doing program evaluations is discussed in Create an Evaluation Strategy.